The Pacs.002 message is a payment status report message used in ISO 20022. It is sent by an instructed agent to the previous party in the payment chain indicating the status of the payment instruction. It will indicate whether a payment was successful or not.
The Pacs.002 can provide status information on:
- Credit Transfer instruction
- Direct Debit instruction
- Cancellation requests.
The XML Schema and Message Definition Report for Pacs.002 can be downloaded from here.

Building blocks of Pacs.002 Message
Set of characteristics shared by all transactions in the status report. The GroupHeader contains the following elements:
- Message Identification: A unique identifier assigned to the message group or batch for tracking and referencing purposes.
- Creation Date and Time: The date and time when the message group or batch was created.
- Number of Transactions: The total count of individual transactions included in the message group or batch
- Initiating Party: Information about the party initiating the message group or batch, such as their name, address, and account details.
- Message Identification of the original pacs.008 message
Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status report message refers to. It contains the following elements:
- Original Message Identification: The unique identifier assigned to the original message.
- Original Creation Date and Time: The date and time when the original message was created.
- Number of Transactions: The total count of individual transactions included in the original message.
- Original Initiating Party: Information about the party who initiated the original message group or batch, such as their name, address, and account details.
- Original Message Name Identification: The identification of the original message, such as pacs.008 or other relevant message types.
- Status: The status of the original message indicating whether it was successfully processed, partially processed, or encountered any errors or rejections.
Information concerning the original transactions, to which the status report message refers. It contains the following elements:
- Transaction Identification: A unique identifier assigned to the transaction.
- Payment Information: Details about the payment, such as the payment amount, currency, payment date, and other relevant payment-related information.
- Status: The status of the transaction, indicating whether it was successfully processed, partially processed, or encountered any errors or rejections.
- Status Reason Information: Additional information regarding the status of the transaction, providing more context or explanation for the status code or status description.