The Pain.001 message is initiates a SEPA Credit Transfer. It is sent by an initiating party to the debtor/forwarding agent to request the transfer of money from debtor to creditor. It is the initiation message for the SCT flow.
Like all, ISO-20022 messages, Pain.001 is specified in XML.
The XML Schema and Message Definition Report can be downloaded here.
The Message Definition Report will additionally specify business rules governing the relationships between elements in the pain.001.
Pain.001 will contain one or more credit transfer instructions.
Building blocks of Pain.001 message
The GroupHeader block will contain all the common characteristics of all transactions contained within the Pain.001.

The most elements within the GroupHeader are:
- MsgId – This is a unique identifier identifying all payments within the message.
- CreDtTm – this indicates the creation date and time of the message.
- NbOfTxs – this indicates the number of transactions contained within the message.
The PaymentInformation block will contain all the common characteristics that apply to the debit side of the payment transactions included in the credit transfer

The PaymentInformation block will contain information such as:
- Debtor Agent – contains information about the financial agent acting on behalf of the debtor
- Creditor Agent – contains information about the financial agent acting on behalf of the creditor.
- Amount – specifies the value of this payment.
- Payment Identification – unique identifier used to identify the payment transaction.
- Remittance Information – contains additional information regarding the purpose of the payment
- Payment Method – indicates the payment type such as Credit transfer or direct debit.
- Payment Type Information – provides details about the purpose of the payment
The supplementary data element contains additional information not captured in PaymentInformation or GroupHeader blocks. It can include non-standardised information related to the payment.