The creditor agent sends the Pacs.003 message to the debtor agent, either directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system.
The Pacs.003 is a financial institution to financial institution customer direct debit message. It can contain 1 or many customer direct debit instructions.
A creditor bank will initiate the Pacs.003 in response to a Pain.008 direct debit initiation request to collect funds from a debtor account for a creditor. You can find the XML Schema and Message Definition Report here.

The Pacs.003 will contain:
All transactions in the message share a set of common elements within the GroupHeader. It will contain the following elements:
- Message Identification – A unique identifier assigned to the entire group of payment cancellations within the message
- Creation Date and Time – Date and time of the creation of the payment cancellation message
- Number of Transactions – The total count of payment cancellation instructions included in the group
- Original Group Identification – The identification of the original group of payment instructions to which the cancellation instructions belong. It links the cancellation instructions to the original payment instructions
- Original Message Identification: The identification of the original payment instruction within the original group to be cancelled. It specifies the specific payment instruction targeted for cancellation
The DirectDebitTransactionInformation will contain information about each direct debit transaction.
- Mandate Identification: A unique identifier assigned to the direct debit mandate authorizing the payment that is being canceled.
- Creditor Scheme Identification: Specifies the scheme or system used for the direct debit payment
- Original Debtor Account: Debtor account which the original direct debit payment debited
- Original Creditor Account: Creditor account which the original direct debit payment credited.
- Original Payment Information: The cancellation of the original direct debit payment includes the payment amount, payment date, and any additional payment details.
- Cancellation Status: Indicates the status of the cancellation instruction, such as accepted, rejected, or pending
- Cancellation Reason Information: Provides additional details or reasons for the cancellation status