The Pain.002 message is a status message and is part of the Payment Initiation family of messages within ISO 20022.
It is sent by an instructed agent to the previous party in the payment chain. It is used to inform the party about the success/failure of payment request.
The definition of the pain.002 schema and its message definition report can be found here

Building blocks of Pain.002
GroupHeader – contains all the common characteristics of all transactions contained within the Pain.002. The GroupHeader will contain the following elements:
- Message Id: A unique identifier assigned to the message group or batch.
- Creation Date and Time: The date and time when the message was created.
- Number of Transactions: The total count of individual transactions included in the message.
- Initiating Party: Information about the party initiating the message such as their name, address, and account details.
- Message Id of the original Pain.001 Message: If the pain.002 message is a response to a pain.001 message, it may contain the message identification of the original pain.001 message to which it refers.
OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus – Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status report message refers to. The OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus will contain the following elements:
- Original Message Identification: The unique identifier assigned to the original message.
- Original Creation Date and Time: The date and time when the original message.
- Number of Transactions: The total count of individual transactions included in the original message.
- Initiating Party: Information about the party who initiated the original message, such as their name, address, and account details.
- Original Message Name Identification: The identification of the original message, such as pain.001, camt.056, or other relevant message types.
OriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus – Information concerning the original payment information, to which the status report message refers.
- Original Payment Information: Includes details about the original payment, such as the payment amount, currency, payment date, payment method, and other relevant payment-related information.
- Payment Status: Indicates the status of the original payment, providing information on whether the payment was successfully processed, partially processed, or rejected.
- Transaction Information: Provides additional details about the specific transaction within the original payment, such as a unique identifier for the transaction, the debtor and creditor involved, and any related payment references.