SEPA Credit Transfer in Detail

When a SEPA Credit Transfer the originator exchanges a series of messages with the beneficiary through the originating and beneficiary bank and CSM.

The following diagram indicates this flow of messages.

SEPA Credit Transfer in detail

Customer to Bank Messages (PAIN)

A customer will send Payment initiation (Pain) message(s) to their bank to initiate a payment. Pain messages are customer to bank messages.

pain.001This is the payment initiation message. Used to initiate the credit transfer. For more information see here
pain.002This message is used to inform a customer whether their transaction was successful or not. For more information see here

Cash Management Messages (CAMT)

Customers receive their cash management reports from banks using the Cash Management (CAMT) family of messages.

Camt.052This message is the account report. It used to inform the customer of their account balances after a transaction.
Camt.053This message serves as the account statement. Additionally, it will include an opening and closing balance, along with the details of processed transactions. For more information see here
Camt.054This message is used to inform a customer about a debit or credit on their account. For more information see here
Camt.056This message is used by the originator bank to recall an SCT. For more information see here
Camt.029This message is used by the beneficiary bank to inform the originator bank that their request to recall the SCT has been denied. For more information see here

Interbank Messages (PACS)

Banks use Payment and Clearing messages (PACS) to settle and clear funds.

Pacs.008This message facilitates the movement of funds from the originating bank to the beneficiary bank. For more information please see here
Pacs.002This message represents a payment status report message. For more information please see here
Pacs.004This message is used to undo a payment that has already been settled. It is issued by the beneficiary bank. In general, there are a number of reasons for this to occur, such as the account being previously closed at the beneficiary bank. Moreover, this message is also utilized to indicate that a recalled SCT has been successful.

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